Shivat Zion

Preparing Your CV

Korot Chayim
קורות חיים
Last updated: 16.06.2024
This guide was written in collaboration with Avi Leghziel – organizational consultant and trainer.
Home > Information portal > Employment > Preparing Your CV
For the Israeli job market, it is important to keep your CV fairly concise and distinct at the same time.

Here are a few guidelines for preparing one for Israel:

  • Insert first and last name
  • Email address & phone number
  • LinkedIn profile link (if you have one)
  • Note: There is no need to add a date of birth or address
  • If you have a professional portfolio (for example, a graphic designer, programmer, architect, etc.) insert a link to it under your name as well
  • Write up to 2 lines of a general professional summary in this format: [Professional]. Has a lot of experience in [main areas in which you have worked]. [another unique detail, if any] Do not be redundant – add general information that the reader wouldn’t necessarily learn from the rest of the CV.
  • Insert your sequence of jobs/positions you have worked in (most recent first). Each job should be written in this format: [name of the organization, position] [years you worked in that job]
  • Under each job, add up to 4 points: Point 1: Job description Points 2-3-4: Achievements and specific projects that prove your main skills. It is important to quantify where it is possible. Examples: “lead seminars with 40 participants”, “Managing a budget in the amount of one and a half million NIS annually”
  • Note: Make sure to write clear and factual points and avoid vague semantics (“project management”)
  • Write 1 line for each degree, course, or training. Use this format: [Degree Name], [University/College/Institution Name] (Year-Year)
  • Note: If you are applying for a position in the religious sector, you can include higher Torah studies
  • Do not include high school
  • Write your computer skills, especially platforms or software you have worked with/are proficient in (Photoshop, Salesforce, etc.)
  • Write which languages you speak. Specify the level you master each language.

List roles or projects in which you have consistently taken part in. Add 1 line about the project/role and your responsibilities. Keep it short, do not go into deep detail.

  • Include your IDF service. Add a brief description of your IDF role.
  • If you served in a permanent military role, add the description in the “employment experience” section, and use the format above.

If you have 2/3 people who previously agreed to appear on your resume for references, add their details. If not – do not write “references will be supplied upon request”. Recruiters will ask for a reference if they wish.

Important Note:

Try to keep your CV concise and focused. It is best to keep it to one page.

It is not recommended to add a photo. This may cause bias not necessarily in your favor. If they want to see what you look like, they will visit your social media profiles.

It is recommended to not write that you are “a leader, great team member, have initiative” etc. These descriptions are not taken seriously by recruiters.

A well-designed resume will attract the attention of the recruiter and may give you a few more seconds of attention. However, don’t overdo it, a kitschy or over-decorated design may achieve the exact opposite effect.

If you don’t know exactly how to describe your previous jobs in your CV, use terms you’ve seen in Job ads in Job sites because they mostly use acceptable professional terms.

Should your CV be adapted for every job you apply for? Speed of application is more important than absolute accuracy. Rather produce several versions of the CV so you can submit it quickly – and accurately – to different positions. If you apply for a position that requires a skill or experience that you have but did not highlight enough in your resume – you should add or emphasize it.

Click here to see a template of a CV for the Israeli job market.

This guide was written in collaboration with Avi Leghziel – organizational consultant and trainer.