Every employed worker is required to receive a Tlush Maskoret – תלוש משכורת – Salary Pay Slip, at the end of every month from their employer along with their paid salary. Understanding how a Tlush is constructed is an excellent way to begin to understand your rights as a salaried employee. The following guide covers the main elements of the Tlush.
In order to better understand the guide you should open the link below and or print it out so you can follow along with the numbered items. Please note that this Tlush is just a sample and every company might have a different format. The key point is that every Tlush needs to provide the same relevant information as presented in our guide. As always, when in doubt about something you should consult with an accountant or lawyer.
Numbers 11-14 are presented in a chart where the columns, from right to left, represent – type of absence or benefit/previously accumulated days/how many days used this month/how many days are left
Numbers 15-16 (and numbers 20-24 below) appear in the main chart on the Tlush. The columns correlate to description/quantity/tariff/percentage/total