Ivchunim or broad based developmental and educational assessments may be initiated due to school and/or parental concerns about a child’s cognitive functioning, learning, attention, emotional functioning and/or behavior at school and or at home.
Broad based assessments will examine your child’s cognitive, learning, and psychological strengths and weaknesses such as:
Psychological and emotional factors like motivation, emotional development, self-regulation, and self-esteem also play a large role in learning and succeeding in school and will most often also be carefully examined.
In addition, most assessments will review relevant background information and information from collateral sources (e.g. parents and teachers). These types of assessments will give you the most in-depth information allowing for comprehensive treatment planning, intervention, and accommodations (such as testing accommodations) that are designed to help your child overcome and/or bypass difficulties.
Different childhood disorders result in specific patterns of strengths and weaknesses. An in-depth assessment will assure careful differential diagnosis. For example if a child’s language delay is due to a problem in producing speech, understanding or expressing language, social shyness, autism, or cognitive delay.
Specific to children of Olim and returning residents is the language of evaluation. Children should always be tested in their stronger language with bilingual components such as Hebrew reading, writing and language skills.
In general it takes children 5-7 years for full academic language competency after changing instructional language. Do not accept cognitive assessments in Hebrew alone as an adequate representation of your child’s abilities unless this makes sense for your child. Bilingual assessment is not the norm in Israel and may not be available in the city in which you live. These assessments are best conducted by highly qualified bilingual psychologists.
Generally psychologists conducting broad based assessments can also act as your advocate in the school system. Having an advocate attend a school meeting following an assessment will usually facilitate greater cooperation from the school and will ensure that your child’s rights are adequately considered.
An Ivchun Didacti (אבחון דידקטי) didactic educational assessment, is an evaluation that focuses on specific academic skills such as reading and writing, and the underlying mechanisms responsible for difficulties in these areas.
A psychological evaluation usually focuses on the emotional state of the learner, and often includes an IQ test to measure basic cognitive functions and then a variety of projective tests to assess psychological status. This type of evaluation may be recommended when the child experiences a sudden drop in achievement, for example as a result of a particular event or developmental stage.
Children under school-age are usually evaluated by developmental psychologists, or clinical neuropsychologists. These services can often be obtained through your child’s Gan (גן ) pre-Kindergarten or through municipal services. However, private broad-based developmental assessments conducted by a bilingual psychologist are likely to be best for the primarily non-Hebrew speaking child, or for children with complex developmental histories.
Common Hat’amot (התאמות) accommodations include:
It is important to note that occasionally these accommodations can also be arranged by the school Yoetzet on the basis of teacher recommendation, without need for a formal assessment (it is important to discuss this fully with the Yoetzet).
Private Assessments can be costly.
Some municipalities operate diagnostic and support centers for people with learning disabilities. It is recommended to find out from the municipality where you live if they have one.
For private assessments there are some support options:
4. There are also organizations that may assist in financing the assessments – see here (in Hebrew)
Pediatric psychologists and neuropsychologists comprehend typical and atypical child development and learning. As children encounter progressively heightened cognitive and scholastic requirements as time goes on, there is frequently a necessity for conducting regular re-evaluations. Certain conditions might not manifest their complete repercussions until later stages, as observed with the multitasking requirements of middle school or the amplified workload and writing expectations of high school.
Although the Israeli ministry of education considers an assessment valid for 5 years, most psychologists would agree that a 3 year span is probably the longest span to leave between assessments, especially for children with complex presentations and who need updated interventions and accommodations to optimize their functioning.
Focused reassessment can also be helpful in determining whether a particular intervention is having the desired effect. For example, if a dyslexic child has been receiving intensive reading intervention, assessment of their reading skills after 12 months will help render a decision as to whether to continue, discontinue or replace the particular reading approach.
Many children may wonder why they are having these tests and if there is something wrong with them. Listen to your child’s concerns and feelings about the evaluation and answer as straightforwardly as possible. It is helpful to be reassuring to your child. Proper preparation will help your child do his/her best, allow for a pleasant testing experience and help the examiner gather the most reliable results possible.
Most importantly, the goal in preparation is to help your child be as comfortable, relaxed and motivated as possible the day of testing. In explaining to your child why he/she is being tested you should offer reassurance that the information gathered from the evaluation will help you, their teachers, and others better understand his/her experiences, what kinds of things he/she has been having trouble with and what types of things he or she is really good or not so good at doing, and most importantly whether there are interventions and accommodations to help them. It is important to explain that assessment is not unusual.
Each school will offer different resources, depending upon their budget and need. It’s best to verify with a specific school regarding test accommodations, whether or not they allocate hours in the schedule for professional assistance, and if so what it includes: one-on-one help with a professional Hebrew teacher, help in small groups, help from volunteers, etc. If possible, it is best to talk to other Olim parents in the school concerning their experience.
It is always best to verify with the school guidance counselor, especially in schools which are unaccustomed to Olim children. You may have to do some advocacy on your child’s behalf.
Click here to find a verified assessment specialist.
Know your rights! Entitlements and Services for Children suffering from Developmental Disorders (Israeli Ministry of Health) https://www.health.gov.il/English/Topics/KidsAndMatures/child_development/Pages/child-development-rights.aspx
The law in Israel concerning the Assessment and Treatment of ADHD (Israeli Ministry of Health) https://www.health.gov.il/English/Topics/KidsAndMatures/child_development/Pages/ADHD.aspx
The above guide was created based on information compiled for Get Help Israel by Lisa Kainan, Ph.D Psychoeducational Consultant and Alyson Aviv, Ph.D., ABPdN Clinical Psychologist, Board Certified in Pediatric Neuropsychology