If you are an Israeli who has been living outside of Israel for at least two years, you might qualify for the status of Toshav Chozer which has certain potential benefits and certain limitations. The following guide explains who qualifies for the status and what you must do when returning to Israel.
Someone who:
1. Apply for Zaka’ut Ekronit – זכאות עקרונית – “Eligibility in Principle” for Toshav Chozer Status
2. Check potential outstanding fees with Bituach Leumi
3. If you left Israel without notifying Bituach Leumi, you might have outstanding fees owed that have accumulated over the years of your absence. We strongly recommend that you contact Bituach Leumi in order to check the balance of your account.
4. You may also consider completing an online declaration form to be recognized as a Toshav Chozer (form 627). Only fill out this form if you intend to return to live permanently in Israel and make it your Merkaz Chaim – מרכז חיים – center of life.
Please note that if you choose to fill out this form at this time, it must be filled out up to 30 days before your return.
Note: If you will be returning to Israel with children and without their second parent, the absent parent needs to fill out a form in the presence of an Israeli consul abroad.
1. Update Details at Misrad HaPnim
Go to Misrad HaPnim, specifically to an Immigration and Population Authority branch – רשות האוכלוסין וההגירה to update your Teudat Zehut, current living address, your family status, and register your children (if relevant).
Please note: It is highly recommended to update your details at Misrad HaPnim prior to your visit to Misrad HaKlita (see section B immediately following), but it is not mandatory.
2. Fill out the Misrad HaKlita Questionnaire
Upon returning to Israel you need to complete a Misrad HaKlita questionnaire. Misrad HaKlita should review your documents within approximately 14 working days. They will then schedule an appointment for you to come to the nearest Misrad HaKlita branch to receive your Teudat Toshav Chozer – תעודת תושב חוזר – returning resident certificate.
This certificate enables you to continue receiving financial assistance and continue the Klita process.
Please note: Misrad HaKlita may request more documentation in order to establish eligibility for Toshav Chozer status.
3. Update Personal Details at Misrad HaPnim
You will need to go to Misrad HaPnim, the Population and Immigration Authority, to update your Teudat Zehut Sefach – ספח – appendix, register your address and children in the Sefach, update your personal status (if relevant), and update your official residency status.
4. Apply for Toshav Chozer Status at Bituach Leumi
In order to be recognized by Bituach Leumi as a resident of Israel after the time you resided abroad, you must submit an application to Bituach Leumi for residency recognition by filling out a residency-determining questionnaire (form 628).
Couples have to fill the form out separately, it is not one form per household. The forms need to be submitted in person.
Report to a Bituach Leumi branch with the above form, and with documents that prove that your Merkaz Chaim is no longer abroad and is now in Israel.
For example:
Bituach Leumi will review your documents and determine whether it officially recognizes you as a “resident of Israel”, and will issue a Bituach Leumi residence permit accordingly.
Important note:
If you haven’t paid your Bituach Leumi fees while abroad or are no longer considered a resident of Israel, you are not automatically eligible for Bituach Briut – ביטוח בריאות – National Health Insurance, upon your return. During the waiting period (one month for every year you have spent abroad, a maximum of six months), you should arrange for private health insurance but your children should be eligible immediately. For more information about clarifying your status in Bituach Leumi, check here.
For calculating the waiting period, Bituach Leumi considers one month of residency to be an uninterrupted stay of 25 (or 28) days within the same calendar month.
Some of the potential benefits available to a Toshav Chozer are:
We recommend that a Toshav Chozer book an appointment with a personal Misrad HaKlita absorption counselor ahead of time, at least six months before returning to Israel. Click here to see a list of Misrad HaKlita branches in Israel.
If you encounter difficulties completing any forms or need more information about the above-mentioned benefits, please contact us.