Shivat Zion

Documents for Aliyah

Mismachim Le'Aliyah
מסמכים לעליה
Last updated: 23.07.2024
Home > Information portal > Aliyah > Documents for Aliyah
There are a number of documents required in order to make Aliyah. Please read the following instructions carefully and prepare the documents exactly as explained.

What You Will Need:

This document must be original and cannot be replaced by a marriage certificate or other proof of identity. You can find more information on the Apostille here.

  • If your spouse passed away, an official death certificate is required.
  • If you changed your name legally, you will also need a certificate of change of name with Apostille.
  • If you were married more than once, you need to send all the relevant civil certificates and licenses (not replaceable by a Ketubah – a Jewish Marriage contract or by a Get – a Jewish Divorce document).

The passport must be valid for at least another 2 years. If you have more than one citizenship, you need to check with the Jewish Agency which one to use.

You need an official criminal background check or a Certificate of Good Conduct issued by:

  • the government of the country where you were born

  • all countries where you have resided continuously for more than 1 year above the age of 14 (if applicable)

  • and any country whose citizenship you currently hold, even if you have never lived there.

Important Notes:

From Nov 2024 onward, people who undergo Shinui Ma’amad – Aliyah from within Israel, directly with the Misrad HaPnim – Ministry of Interior will be asked to present background checks from all countries where they have lived for more than 6 months.

In addition, each country has its own procedure regarding the issuance of such a certificate.

You can find more information here

You must submit a letter explaining your eligibility status. This letter must meet strict conditions that are explained here.

Steps to Take:

Collect all the documents, make sure they are complete and upload them to your Aliyah portal. Don’t forget to send an email or to call the Jewish Agency to inform them that you completed the submission.

Important Note:

If you converted to Judaism, additional documents are required. Learn more here.

The State of Israel recognizes only 4 marital statuses: single, married, divorced, widowed. If your status is different, you need to check how it might influence the Aliyah process and benefits.

If you have Israeli parents or previously lived in Israel, additional documents are required. For more details, please contact us.