Shivat Zion


Teudat Yosher
תעודת יושר
Last updated: 23.07.2024
Home > Information portal > Aliyah > Background Check

You need an official criminal background check or a Certificate of Good Conduct issued by:

  • the government of the country where you were born

  • all countries where you have resided continuously for more than 1 year above the age of 14 (if applicable)

  • and any country whose citizenship you currently hold, even if you have never lived there.

Important Notes:

From Nov 2024 onward, people who undergo Shinui Ma’amad – Aliyah from within Israel, directly with the Misrad HaPnim – Ministry of Interior will be asked to present background checks from all countries where they have lived for more than 6 months.

In addition, each country has its own procedure regarding the issuance of such a certificate.

You can find more information below.


See some examples of how a Criminal Record looks like:

