Shivat Zion


Last updated: 26.12.2024
Acquiring the Hebrew language is necessary and essential for a successful absorption process. Proficiency is vital in every aspect of life in Israel, and certainly in terms of educational, social, and vocational integration.

The Misrad HaKlita has carried out a reform in Hebrew studies and developed a wide range of options that provide solutions for each immigrant according to their needs.
  • The following Ulpan options are available to new Olim.

Olim are eligible to take part in each of the following Ulpanim once, and the Misrad HaKlita suggests taking them in the following order:

  • Government-sponsored Ulpan
  • Municipal Ulpan
  • Private but Subsidized Ulpan (known as a “voucher Ulpan”)
  • Online Ulpan – Hebrew Byte

Note: Olim cannot participate in more than one type of Ulpan at any given time.

The government Ulpan is run by Misrad HaChinuch – משרד החינוך – the Ministry of Education, and under the joint responsibility of Misrad HaChinuch, Misrad HaKlita, and the Jewish Agency. The Ulpanim run year-round, throughout Israel, and opening a class requires a minimal number of participants eligible for Ulpan at the same time and in the same area. If no class is available locally, the Oleh will be referred to a different location.

  • How many hours?
    There are several types of study programs. The most popular type is a morning Ulpan, which usually runs five days a week. (In some places there may be an evening Ulpan.) The duration of this type of Ulpan is usually for five months and includes 420-450 and sometimes up to 500 hours in total.
  • Eligibility and Tuition:
    Olim who are age 17 and up can participate in this Ulpan free of charge. This assistance is given only once and is available up to 18 months after Aliyah.
  • How to register?
    An Oleh can either contact their counselor at the Misrad HaKlita’s local branch to receive a referral for Ulpan, or they can apply through their online Misrad HaKlita personal account. The following video explains the registration process.

A municipal Ulpan is another government-subsidized type of Ulpan for new Olim. The municipal Ulpanim usually cover either Ulpan Alef or Ulpan Bet.

  • Where is it offered?
    The Municipal Ulpanim are offered by 27 municipalities around the country, however, the locations may vary each year. Be sure to check the Misrad HaKlita website for updates about this, or check with your local municipality.

Ulpan participants who live in a Moatza Ezorit – מועצה איזורית – regional council may be referred to a different city for Ulpan.

  • How many hours?
    The Municipal Ulpan runs for 200 hours, in the morning or afternoon, with a varying number of students in each class, up to 25. At the end of the Ulpan, students will take a graduation test and receive a certificate attesting to their Hebrew level and final grade.
  • How to Register?
    Olim should inquire and apply directly through the Klita department in their municipality.

In addition to the Ulpan options discussed above, there is an additional option: learning Hebrew at a private Ulpan, after learning at either a public and/or a municipal Ulpan. For this track, Misrad HaKlita provides eligible Olim with vouchers granting them tuition reimbursement. Click here to see the list of authorized private ulpanim throughout Israel

How many hours?

  • Classes consist of small groups (12 students), held during flexible hours. The duration of the course is 200 study hours for up to six months.


  • An applicant for a private Ulpan voucher must have been 17+ years old on the day of their Aliyah
  • Submit the request within 10 years of their Aliyah date
  • Olim who finished a government or municipal Ulpan, or graduates of the Nativ preparatory program, 555, or Ofek Israeli’s Ulpan 300
  • Those who did not complete or have not participated in a government or municipal Ulpan due to exceptional circumstances (such as lack of Municipal Ulpan in an Oleh’s city, or inability to participate in a public Ulpan because of unavailability of the Ulpan, or a health problem).
  • In these cases, an applicant must make an in-person appointment with a Klita Advisor in their local office and bring proof of the circumstances that prevented participation. The advisor may then approve studying through the voucher track.
  • Those who attended a public Ulpan but did not complete the course, and are interested in studying through the voucher track, can turn to the Appeals Committee of the Misrad HaKlita with the help of a local Klita Advisor.


  • The reimbursement amount of the Ulpan voucher will be a maximum of 4000 NIS or the actual cost of the course, the lower of the two, provided that the number of hours studied adheres to Misrad HaKlita regulations.
  • In this track, the Oleh needs to pay the private Ulpan the full cost of the course – up to 4000 NIS – and then apply for reimbursement upon presentation of the receipt, plus signing additional forms.
  • An Oleh will not receive reimbursement if they do not receive authorization from Misrad HaKlita to participate in a private Ulpan before they begin studying in the Ulpan.
  • How to apply for a voucher? – you can see the process explained here.

HebrewByte is an online self-study Hebrew learning course, accompanied by a community support framework, including weekly live Zoom meetings, aimed at strengthening Israeli identity. More information is available here. Proficiency in either English or French is necessary as the HebrewByte interface is only available in these languages.

Who is Eligible?

1. An Oleh Chadash who:

  • is 17+ years old
  • received Oleh Chadash status less than 10 years ago
  • is not eligible for “Da Ivrit” online Ulpan in Russian

2. Aliyah Candidates who:

  • are 17+ years old
  • opened an Aliyah file abroad starting from March 1, 2020
  • are not eligible for “Da Ivrit” online Ulpan in Russian

Aliyah candidates who wish to begin their Hebrew studies online can request their Aliyah counselor to enable the HebrewByte option in their personal portal if it does not appear there.

3. Toshav Chozer:

  • who is 17+ years old
  • within 24 months of receiving official Toshav Chozer status from Misrad Haklita

Note: A HebrewByte participant cannot simultaneously attend any other type of Ulpan mentioned above, and they will have to sign a declaration to this effect.

How to apply?

An Oleh Chadash or Toshav Chozer need to log into their “personal zone” on the Misrad HaKlita website, click on “inquiry about referral to Ulpan” and follow the instructions there.

An Aliyah candidate should receive an automated email with sign up and login information directly to the email address they used to open their Aliyah file.

HebrewByte has a nominal participation fee of 50 NIS or 15 USD/EURO

  • Olim who learn in Ulpan are eligible for financial assistance during their time in Ulpan in the form of Sal Klita – סל קליטה – Absorption Basket, during the first six months after Aliyah. In addition, they may be eligible for Havtachat Hachnasa – הבטחת הכנסה – Assured Income payments from Bituach Leumi during the second six months after Aliyah, while they study in Ulpan.
  • Olim who start their Ulpan studies after the first 12 months of Aliyah are no longer eligible for financial support via their Sal Klita but should check their potential eligibility for other assistance from Bituach Leumi.
  • Olim who receive Sal Klita are reimbursed for travel expenses to their Ulpan through their Sal. Once they are no longer receiving Sal Klita, they may be eligible for reimbursement of these travel expenses if the Ulpan they attend is further away and there is no Ulpan nearby. To inquire about their potential eligibility one needs to check with their Misrad HaKlita counselor.
  • Olim participating in a voucher Ulpan may be eligible to travel reimbursement and/or D’mei Kiyum – דמי קיום – living allowance (if they do not receive Sal Klita simultaneously) from Misrad HaKlita. They should contact their Misrad HaKlita counselor for more details.

Upon completing regular Ulpan and before finding a job, some Olim may be eligible for specific Ulpanim that are adjusted to various professions. Those who are interested should turn to the Klita counselor in their region. One must present confirmation of completing Ulpan Aleph. Before beginning a course, it is necessary to take a test administered by the Ministry of Education in order to determine knowledge level for placement into the appropriate class. The courses open throughout the country upon demand.

For additional information: Hebrew Courses for Professionals

There exist various options for residential Ulpanim on Kibbutzim and in other communities that Olim between ages 18-35 can apply for. Reach out to our Help Desk for more information.