Shivat Zion

Proof of Judaism

אישור יהדות של הקהילה
Last updated: 09.06.2024
Home > Information portal > Aliyah > Proof of Judaism
As part of the administrative Aliyah process, you must submit a letter explaining your eligibility status for Aliyah. This letter must meet strict conditions. Read the following instructions carefully and make sure that the letter fulfills all the conditions.

What You Will Need:

This letter must:

  • Be written on community letterhead
  • Be written in Hebrew or English
  • Be signed by the Rabbi of the community in your country or, in his absence, by the president and two other members of the board of directors (digital signatures are not accepted)
  • Include the stamp of the Rabbi or synagogue
  • Clearly state your identification and status:
    1. Jewish by birth: state the mother’s full name
    2. Child of a Jewish father: state the full name of the father and paternal grandmother
    3. Grandchild of a Jewish grandfather: state the full name of the grandfather and his child, your parent
    4. Converted: state the name of the Rabbinical court and year of conversion

If you converted, the following additional documents are required:

  • A letter of intent explaining why you converted and a description of the entire Giyur process (in Hebrew or English)
  • Proof of attendance in a Giyur program
  • A certificate of conversion, signed by the Beit Din
  • Letters proving participation in the community (at the time of conversion and currently)
  • For additional information please check this guide

If you converted through the Israeli Rabbanut, only the following documents are required:

  • Teudat Hamara/Gerut (Conversion Certificate)
  • If relevant: Teudat Nissuin (Marriage Certificate)

Important Note:

Please note that the Ketubah or Brit Milah certificate cannot replace this document!