Shivat Zion

Aliyah Benefits

Hatavot: Zakaut Upratim
הטבות: זכאות ופרטים
Last updated: 02.07.2023
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In order to facilitate the absorption of new immigrants, the State of Israel grants Olim certain benefits depending on their status, age and family situation etc. Below is a general guideline of these benefits.
Note: This is not a guarantee that you will receive the benefits. Each case is considered individually by Misrad HaKlita and the Jewish Agency based on your personal status and previous residency in Israel.
If you are making Aliyah from abroad with the Jewish Agency you are entitled to a free one-way ticket to Israel. If you booked and paid for your own ticket, you will not get a refund.
Upon your arrival at the airport, you will receive a temporary Israeli SIM card with preloaded free minutes to call and an internet data package.
If you arranged it in advance with the Jewish Agency, a taxi to your first residence will be waiting for you free of charge.

The Sal Klita is paid in six monthly payments to your Israeli bank account. Olim Chadashim and Ezrachim Olim will get their first portion as an initial cash payment upon their arrival at the airport with the rest wired to their Israeli bank account. A Katin Chozer or someone who made Aliyah from within Israel (Shinui Status) won’t receive the first payment at the airport, but will receive all the payments via bank transfer.

A. The amount varies based on several factors, such as age and family status. You can calculate here how much you will probably receive here.

You are eligible for the Sal Klita if you:
– spent less than 24 (consecutive or cumulative) months in Israel within 3 years prior to your Aliyah
– spent less than 3 years in Israel within 7 years prior to your Aliyah

B. A Katin Chozer gets the Sal Klita only if he spent less than 1 year in Israel prior to their Aliyah (exceptions may be made for recognized study programs).

C. The payments are made between the 1st and 15th day of the month. If you leave Israel during the six months that you are receiving the payments, they will be stopped. After returning to Israel, you will need to contact the Misrad haKlita in order to request the continuation of the payments. If you return to Israel more than one year after your Aliyah, you won’t receive Sal Klita payments anymore.

During the first 6 months after Aliyah, you will receive basic health insurance, provided by an Kupat Cholim – קופת חולים – HMO of your choice, free of charge. More details about Kupat Cholim in Israel can be found here.

Adult Olim can take an Ulpan course for free. There are public Ulpanim, as well as certain private ones, that are fully funded by the government.

a) The address on your Teudat Zehut’s Sefach determines the area where you are eligible to take the Ulpan.

b) The first Ulpan must be attended within 18 months after Aliyah.

c) In order to receive full reimbursement, you must attend at least 80% of the lessons.

d) To get a certificate at the end of the course, you must take the final exam.

e) There is an option for a second Ulpan within 10 years after Aliyah, only one of the two can be a private Ulpan though.

f) Children in grades 1 through 12 receive Hebrew lessons at the school in the first year after Aliyah.

g) For more details check this guide, click here or here or contact us.

Upon request, Olim up to 55 years old might be entitled to temporary residence in a Merkaz Klita, paying far below the market rental rate for up to 6 months. If an Oleh Chadash, a Katin Chozer or an Ezrach Oleh makes Aliyah from within Israel, they probably aren’t eligible.

During the first five months of Aliyah, young Olim (18-35 years old) might be eligible to participate in an Aliyah program such as Hebrew courses in a Kibbutz or city, preparation for university studies, guidance for employment or preparation for recruitment into the IDF. For more details, click here.

In case of someone making Aliyah from within Israel (Shinui Status), they should check their eligibility with Misrad Haklita.

Whether you rent or own a property, you must pay Arnona – ארנונה – local property tax. There usually is a discount for Olim of 70-90% for up to 100 square meters. This benefit can be used for 12 months within the first 2 years after Aliyah.

You can bring 3 shipments of appliances and household goods, tax-free to Israel. These benefits apply up to 3 years after Aliyah. Extensions are granted in exceptional cases, such as military service, full-time study or a 6-months stay abroad. If you are a former A1 temporary resident, you first need to open a file with the Customs Authority in order to clarify your status. Don’t bring in any shipments before that clarification.

There is a tax discount on income earned in Israel in the first 3.5-4.5 years after Aliyah. In Israel the tax reduction is determined by a point system. The discount changes over time as follows:

Olim who came on Aliyah after 1.1.2022 receive tax discounts for 4.5 years from the date of Aliyah:

First 1 year: 1 point
1 – 2.5 years: 3 points
2.5 – 3.5 years: 2 points
3.5 – 4.5 years: 1 point

Olim who came on Aliyah before 1.1.2022 receive tax discounts for 3.5 years from the date of Aliyah:

First 1.5 years: 3 points
1.5 – 2.5 years: 2 points
2.5 – 3.5 years: 1 point

There is a reduced tax rate if you buy a new car in Israel or import a car from abroad.

  • The benefit is valid for 3 years
  • You need a valid foreign driver’s license issued at least 3 months prior to Aliyah
  • You need a valid Israeli driver’s license
  • It applies only to buying a new car
  • You are not allowed to sell the car for 5 years (unless you sell it to another Oleh)
  • Only you and your spouse can drive the car

For more information please see our guide here.

Importing a car is a complex process. Check all the rules, regulations and costs in order to evaluate if it’s worthwhile.

The relevant offices include:

  • Misrad Hatachbura – משרד התחבורה – Transportation Ministry : Licensing and standardization
  • Meches – מכס – Customs Authority: Customs taxes and VAT
  • Shipping Companies: Shipment of the vehicle from overseas to Israel
  • Customs Agent: Releasing the vehicle from Meches
  • Insurance Agencies: Insuring the vehicle for marine transport

If you earn (active or passive) income abroad, you are probably eligible for tax breaks in the first 10 years of your Aliyah. There might be restrictions if you have lived in Israel prior to Aliyah.

See our guide here for more information.

Starting from the 8th month of your Aliyah, you will get rental assistance for up to 5 years from the date of your Aliyah. The amount received depends on your family status and the number of years you have resided in Israel. More information and a table with amounts you can find here (Hebrew only)

You might be entitled to a reduction in daycare for Maon or Mishpachton in the first two years. The Maon or Mishpachton has to be recognized by the Ministry of Economy (Tamat). To check if your Maon or Mishpachton is recognized, click here (Hebrew only)

In order to receive the benefit, each parent must fulfill one of the following criteria:

  • Learning in an Ulpan (min 24h/week)
  • Being registered with Misrad HaKlita or Sherut HaTaasuka as unemployed and seeking a job
  • Besides the discount for Olim, an additional reduction can be applied for based on the parents’ income.

Based on your age, tuition assistance is available for different study programs if the institution is recognized by the Student Authority:

  • Up to age 23: Mechina (preparatory year course)
  • Up to age 27: BA
  • Up to age 30: MA

MA students might get up to 1 year of Hashlamot (prerequisite classes) paid for.

In order to receive the benefit, you must start your studies within 3 years after Aliyah. The army and Sherut Leumi are not counted in the 3 years.

Please check our Education Guides section here for more information.

In order to be eligible to receive the benefit of reduced property purchase tax you must meet the following conditions:

  • The purchase must be completed within seven years after Aliyah
  • You must use the property personally, i.e. as your home or as your business
  • The benefit can be used only once for a residential property and once for a commercial property

During the first 15 years of your Aliyah, you might be eligible for lower interest rates when buying your first property in Israel. Please note that if your spouse owns a property in Israel, you aren’t eligible.

For more information see our guide here.

We cannot guarantee that you will receive all of the above mentioned benefits since they depend on many factors. You can get detailed information on your specific benefits during the interview with your Shaliach before Aliyah and with Misrad HaKlita once you arrive in Israel.