Every Israeli resident must be registered with one of the four healthcare service providers: Clalit, Leumit, Maccabi, Meuhedet.
The Kupot Cholim provide direct regular medical care and medications that are covered in the Sal HaBriut – סל הבריאות – Health Basket, and are also the insurers. You can pick your doctor and specialists as long as they are part of your Kupat Cholim and have an arrangement with the Kupah. Hospitals and other public healthcare facilities and some of the larger pharmacy chains work with all the Kupot as well (branch-dependent).
Kupat Cholim Options
Click on the name of the Kupat Cholim below to access their website and terms:
Which health service plan in the Kupah to choose?
As a new oleh, you are entitled to six months of basic coverage paid for by the Israeli government. You may also choose to pay for a plan with extended or full coverage according to your convenience. Most Israelis choose plans with coverage beyond the basic level and it is highly recommended to do so as it provides increased services.
Identification Documents
You will need your Teudat Zehut and Teudat Oleh.
Registration forms
If you made Aliyah from abroad, you need to bring the forms given to you at Ben Gurion Airport when you landed.
Registration in a Kupat Cholim office
Go to a branch of your chosen Kupat Cholim and complete your registration by presenting your Teudat Zehut and the copy of the registration form. You will receive a personal magnetic card for each member of the household, which you will need for every visit to doctors, medical facilities and pharmacies.
Registration at the Post Office
Go to any post office branch, tell them which Kupah you want to join and pay the registration fee. Keep the copy of the registration form that you receive at the post office.
If you decide to change your Kupat Cholim you can always switch to another one. There are six dates a year when Kupat Cholim changes officially go into effect and you can change twice in a 12-month period. It will take between 45-105 days from the day you apply to change until the change is official. You can find more details on the Bituach Leumi website and the following transfer form must be filled out completely according to the instructions.
For the purpose of identifying the registrant, and to prevent forgeries, you will also be asked to fill in personal Israeli credit card information (not an ATM or Debit card), but the service is provided free of charge. It is advisable to print the confirmation of the registration.
Download the App
It is highly recommended to download the app of your Kupat Cholim to your phone. The app enables you to search for medical information, prescriptions, test results etc. as well as schedule appointments.
SHARAP (Sherutim Refuim Prati’im) – שירותים רפואים פרטיים – Private Medical Care
In addition to coverage by the Kupot Cholim, one also has the option of paying privately for medical care directly, including doctors visits, consultations, surgeries etc.. Sometimes you can get partial reimbursement from your Kupah for payments you made.