Couples consisting of an eligible and a non-eligible spouse (who is only eligible due to their marriage) cannot not make Aliyah separately because then the non-eligible spouse is not entitled to make Aliyah on their own.
Therefore, if the non-eligible spouse does not make Aliyah together with their eligible spouse, they will be unable to make Aliyah at a later stage.
Please be advised that eligibility is determined by the Jewish Agency or Misrad HaPnim based on the Law of Return
If one spouse is converted to Judaism and the other spouse is eligible by birth, it is not recommended to make split Aliyah. The Aliyah approval rules for converts change in accordance with the validity status of the Rabbinical Court, thus, it is not recommended that the converted spouse make Aliyah after their spouse.
If the Oleh is divorced and makes aliyah with the couple’s minor child, the non-Oleh parent must provide a notarized statement before an Israeli consulate official abroad confirming their agreement for the minor child to reside in Israel permanently. Alternatively, a properly translated and apostilled unilateral custody document may be accepted
If two groups within the same family make Aliyah separately in an interval of less than 1 year, there will be changes in the benefits granted to the second group because Sal Klita is calculated per family unit.
For example (All values here are figurative only), if a family makes Aliyah together, the family is entitled to a monthly Sal Klita of 5,000 NIS. If the same family is divided into two groups and makes Aliyah separately, the first group will receive a monthly Sal Klita of 4,000 NIS and the second group will receive only the rest, in this case 1,000 NIS
The split Aliyah process requires the submission of an additional form in which both spouses declare they are aware of the effects of the split Aliyah.
If you are making aliyah with the Jewish Agency, please contact the Global Aliyah Center to receive the correct form. If you are making Aliyah within Israel with Misrad haPnim, please ask the clerk in charge of your file if a corresponding document is necessary.