Shivat Zion


Hachnasat K’safim L’Yisrael

הכנסת כספים לישראל

Last updated: 24.06.2024
Home > Information portal > Integration Rights > Bringing Money into Israel
An Oleh can bring any amount of money into Israel, but sums of 50,000 NIS or more must be declared to customs according to Israeli law. This declaration applies to the total amount possessed by the reporting person or their family unit. (Please note that these regulations apply to taking money out of Israel as well)

Usually, Olim are not subject to questioning regarding the declared funds. The provided information assists Israeli authorities in monitoring and preventing international money laundering attempts involving money entering or leaving the country.

However, violating the legal obligation to declare money may lead to the seizure of the funds, criminal proceedings, and/or a financial penalty.

The following items need to be declared:

  • Mezuman – מזומן – Cash
  • Check Banka’i – צ’ק בנקאי – Bank check (issued by a bank)
  • Hamcha’at Nos’im – המחאות נוסעים – Travelers’ checks
  • N’yarot Erech – ניירות ערך – Banking securities/bearer securities
  • Shtarot S’chirim – שטרות סחירים – Negotiable instruments
  • Cartisei Tashlum – כרטיסי תשלום – Payment cards

How to Declare Money

Download and Complete Declaration Form 84a. Submit the declaration form to the customs official at the airport, where it will be reviewed and you will receive a signed copy of the declaration.

If there is no customs official at the airport, the completed form must be sent by Doar Rashum Im Ishur Mesira – דואר רשום עם אישור מסירה – Registered Mail with delivery confirmation, within 72 hours of entering Israel. Address for mailing:
The National Center for Anti-Money Laundering, Hanhalat Agaf Hameches U’Maam POB 320 Jerusalem 91002המוקד הארצי לאיסור הלבנת הון, הנהלת אגף המכס ומע”מ, ת”ד 320, ירושלים 91002.

Remember to keep a copy of the submitted declaration form for personal records and reference.

For more details in English, click here.