Shivat Zion

Can I make Aliyah and what are my rights?

Home > Information portal > Start Your Aliyah

You may be eligible to make Aliyah to Israel if you meet the criteria as defined in the Israeli Law of Return. In the event you are eligible, different parameters will determine your specific status and the rights and benefits you will receive during your Aliyah and after arriving in Israel as part of your Klitah (absorption) process. It is important to note that the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) is the institution that assists and advises the Population and Immigration Authority to determine and approve your Aliyah status, and assists and advises the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration to determine your Aliyah benefits.

Click here for JAFI’s form to open a file and check your eligibility.

In order for us to provide you with the most effective guidance please completely fill in the form below as this will enable us to better serve and advise you on your Aliyah and Klita journey, before, during and after you arrive in Israel.

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