Shivat Zion

Job Search Preparation

Hachana LeShuk Ha'Avoda
הכנה לשוק העבודה
Last updated: 17.06.2024
This guide was written in collaboration with Avi Leghziel – organizational consultant and trainer.
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Large cities offer more diversified jobs than less populated cities. Check the job offers that match your experience in advance while considering commuting time and working conditions. Contact us for help with any of the steps below, we’d be happy to help you and to discuss your options based on your personal situation.

What You Will Need:

You need your diplomas and records translated into English, including your grades and the subjects that you studied. The validation procedure for your diplomas and certificates varies depending on the specific field (e.g. medicine, law, accounting, etc.). Contact us for more details.

Prepare your CV and cover letter (if requested) in all languages relevant for your job search.

You need to be reachable when looking for a job. Make sure you have an Israeli mobile number.

Steps to Take:

Besides regular job websites, there are many job offers on LinkedIn and Facebook and WhatsApp groups. It is highly recommended that you spend time searching these sites as they can be very helpful.

To reach more potential job opportunities, share your CV on multiple job search sites and with recruiters.

There are several organizations as well as companies helping Olim in their job search and preparing them for the Israeli job market and interviews, either for free or for a basic fee. Contact us, and based on your profile and needs we’ll refer you to the relevant organization.