Shivat Zion


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Help Olim (new immigrants) from Europe and Latin America make their Aliyah dream come true and return home!

New Olim face many challenges when making Aliyah. Shivat Zion is here for them, offering a helping hand, listening ear and free support and guidance, every step of the way – from the moment they first start considering Aliyah through their successful integration into Israeli society.


Home > Donate

Help Olim (new immigrants) from Europe and Latin America make their Aliyah dream come true and return home!

New Olim face many challenges when making Aliyah. Shivat Zion is here for them, offering a helping hand, listening ear and free support and guidance, every step of the way – from the moment they first start considering Aliyah through their successful integration into Israeli society.

Partner with us to give these Olim the support they need to thrive
and succeed and make their return to Israel truly feel like home.

We accept donations in various forms and currencies. Please select a convenient option for your generous contribution.

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Donations to Shivat Zion are tax deductible in Israel, USA,
Canada and the Netherlands.  Click here to find out more.