Shivat Zion

Olim sucess stories | Sabrina Schriftman

April 30, 2023
Home > Olim sucess stories | Sabrina Schriftman

Sabrina Schriftman

Year of Aliyah: 1985

Country of Origin: Uruguay

Sabrina made aliyah, through the Jewish Agency in 1985. At the age of 24, she arrived in Haifa on her own after completing business school in Montevideo, Uruguay. Since she didn’t speak Hebrew, she spent her first year studying the language at an ulpan while working on a kibbutz’s banana plantation.

Right from the start, Sabrina’s goal was to immerse herself in Jewish culture and freely practice her faith.

After her first year in Israel, she began working in accounting firms, a job she still holds today. It was during this time that she met her husband. Together, they put in a lot of effort and dedication to build a wonderful family with three children. They were also able to purchase a house and a pharmacy, where they both worked.

A few years ago, Sabrina discovered her passion for pottery, which has become her hobby. She spends at least three hours a day creating pottery products, finding a sense of meditation and calmness while working on her creations.

Alongside her husband, Sabrina opens her home to many young jews from Argentina and Uruguay who come to study in Israel. She welcomes them for several months, not through any organizations or government programs, but simply because she understands how lonely it can feel when making aliyah.

Sabrina advises olim, to make an effort to socialize by participating in sports and leisure activities, volunteering, dancing, and singing. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing that the feeling of isolation is common among most olim and encourages seeking help when needed.

She also highlights that assistance goes beyond financial support and includes offering friendship, support, and understanding.

According to Sabrina, it is the responsibility of every Israeli citizen to help immigrants adjust to life in Israel, while olim should manage their expectations and approach the aliyah process realistically.

To learn more about Sabrina’s work, you can visit here her Instagram page.

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