Making Aliyah with a special needs family member over 21 requires additional steps to help have their status recognized by the Israeli government. As of December 2022, this evaluation process can be started prior to Aliyah, helping ease the overall Aliyah experience for the individual and for you.
In addition to the Jewish Agency, the Misrad HaRevacha – משרד הרווחה – Welfare Ministry plays a major role in evaluating the status of your family member.
Please note that this does not apply to individuals with mental health issues that are the responsibility of Misrad Habriyut – משרד הבריאות – Health Ministry, and Bituach Leumi – ביטוח לאומי – National Insurance Institute via their Kupat Cholim – קופת חולים – .
In order to assure that your family member with special needs will receive the services and benefits that best address their needs, you will need the following additional documents regardless of age:
All these reports cannot be more than around six months old, at the time you submit them to the Jewish Agency. The reports might have to be translated into Hebrew depending on the municipality you are moving to. Check with the Revacha department for further details.
For those over 21, the Jewish Agency will send the reports to Misrad HaRevacha to ensure that it can provide the required services.
If the individual is low functioning, older or has aging parents, Misrad HaRevacha might provide recognition before Aliyah which will expedite acquiring the needed services. Otherwise, the process of getting recognition can only be done upon making Aliyah.
The Jewish Agency only recognizes full guardianship called Apotropsut – אפוטרופסות from your original country. Power of attorney alone is not enough. After a few months of Aliyah, the guardians must reconfirm their guardianship via the Misrad HaMishpatim – משרד המשפטים – Ministry of Justice.
It is recommended that you consider hiring a consultant to help you with this process as well as explore the various day treatment programs or residential options available in the cities you are considering moving to. This will help you make informed decisions and allow you to set up a meeting at the municipality that provides these services.